[CentOS-devel] CentOS 7.4.1708 as basic el7 buildroot in CBS

Mon Sep 11 14:38:45 UTC 2017
Fabian Arrotin <arrfab at centos.org>

On 08/09/17 11:10, Fabian Arrotin wrote:
> Hi,
> As discussed on the list, we wanted to push 7.4.1708 first to CBS/Koji
> and at the same time to CI (so that what's built against a specific tree
> can be tested against the same set of pkgs in CI)
> We'll so make it 7.4.7108 available within CBS in the next hours, and
> for *all* arches actually covered within CBS.
> That means that we'll switch (before it's pushed to external mirrors and
> so be announced) the buildroots to start using the following repositories:
> 7.4.1708/{os,updates,extras}
> That will be so done in parallel for x86_64,aarch64,ppc64,ppc64le .
> We're just launching some sanity tests against those trees (all in
> place) and then we'll open this in CBS/Koji (plenty of tasks for this as
> Koji will have to rebuild internal metadata for those mirrors, aka "koji
> regen-repo $buildroot")
> We'll post an update here when it will be switched and so active. That
> will let some time for SIGs to build some of the pkgs that were
> waiting/depending on 7.4.1708 pkgs from the distro, and so be "ready"
> before we go GA with 7.4.1708 (in the next days)
> Hope this will help

Just to let you know that during the CBS meeting , we discussed this,
and so we have now 7.4.1708 content available in all default el7 buildroots

You can start submitting rebuild jobs in CBS, but they'll be in the
tasks queue, as first we need to ensure that koji knows about all new
repodata from 7.4.1708 for all supported arches.

If you have issue, use this thread or #centos-devel on irc.freenode.net

Fabian Arrotin
The CentOS Project | http://www.centos.org
gpg key: 56BEC54E | twitter: @arrfab

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