[CentOS-devel] Python 3

Wed Sep 27 14:54:55 UTC 2017
Thomas F Herbert <therbert at redhat.com>

On 09/25/2017 10:05 AM, Jonathan Billings wrote:
> Python 3 is available in the SCL repos.  The /usr/bin/python in
> CentOS6 and CentOS7 are very unlikely to ever be changed from Python
> 2.x, due to how most of the management tools for RHEL/CentOS are
> written in Python 2.x.
Thanks for the suggestion. However, I am trying to build a package for 
Centos distribution and an upstream change now requires Python 3 during 
the build process. I think that SCL is in extras or EPEL isn't it?

*Thomas F Herbert*
NFV and Fast Data Planes
Office of Technology
*Red Hat*
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