[CentOS-devel] Fwd: LinchPin v1.5.1 (update) has been released

Clint Savage

herlo at redhat.com
Mon Apr 9 21:45:35 UTC 2018

We are happy to announce that LinchPin v1.5.2 has been released. This
release has the following updates:

* Allow inventory file name be specified in layout file (#421)
* The Context Distiller allows a user to enable resource data to be
retrieved and written to a json file (#525)
* Made the 'whiteboard' variable optional in the beaker driver (#518)
* Allow up/destroy actions to use rundb data (#512)
* Added transaction (--view=tx) view to linchpin journal (#501)
* Added support for attaching volumes to provisioned openstack instances

Additional bugs were also fixed along the way:

* linchpin destroy fails for AWS aws (#495)
* Enable linchpin journal without target (#475)
* Allow passing provisioning options through to bkr_info (#468)

Documentation was updated as well:

* Documented the RunDB json and its purpose (#506)
* Fixed broken links to source for bkr_info and bkr_server on readthedocs

The official release notes are available at https://github.com/CentOS-

This update is available via PyPI: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/linchpin

If you discover any errors or regressions, please open a Github issue (

On to v1.5.3!!

Clint Savage
LinchPin Maintainer
Senior Software Engineer, Red Hat
twitter: @herlo, github: herlo, IRC: herlo, #linchpin
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