[CentOS-devel] Proposal: Arm32v7l (armhfp) support on Koji


trunet-centos at wsartori.com
Tue Apr 10 17:51:50 UTC 2018

Hello guys, good morning, 

I'm currently maintaining c ommunity-kubernetes-testing [1] for arm32v7l (armhfp) repository using the plague setup. 

The packages I need, there're only very minor changes needed to be done on the SPEC files found from SRPMs found on koji. Most packages only a %{arm} is included on ExclusiveArch macro. 

I would like to propose something: 
1) Discuss this on the monday SIG meeting (don't know if you have an agenda, or it's free for all to join and participate) 
2) Add a single arm32v7l (armhfp) build host on koji 
3) Talk and help the maintainers, one by one, to add armhfp support, I per example can help on all packages already available on my repository[1] 

[1]: [ https://armv7.dev.centos.org/repodir/community-kubernetes-testing/ | https://armv7.dev.centos.org/repodir/community-kubernetes-testing/ ] 

Best regards, 
Wagner Sartori Junior 
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