[CentOS-devel] git19 from sclo-rh missing from repodata
centoslistmail at gmail.comFri Aug 10 12:35:09 UTC 2018
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On Fri, Aug 10, 2018 at 4:25 AM, Nico Kadel-Garcia <nkadel at gmail.com> wrote: > If you need leading versions of git, is there a compelling reason not > to use the RPM's from iusrelease? Those version are up to version > 2.15. This isn't about a specific version. It is about http://mirror.centos.org/centos/6/sclo/x86_64/rh/git19/ having RPMs that are not in the repodata.Looking closer, it seems the following dirs are also missing from the repodata: devassist09 devtoolset-3 devtoolset-4 git19 mariadb55 maven30 mongodb24 mysql55 nginx16 nodejs010 perl516 php54 php55 postgresql92 python33 repodata rh-mariadb100 rh-maven33 rh-mongodb26 rh-mongodb30upg rh-mysql56 rh-nodejs4 rh-passenger40 rh-perl520 rh-php56 rh-postgresql94 rh-python34 rh-ror41 rh-ruby22 rh-thermostat16 ror40 ruby193 ruby200 thermostat1 v8314 I mention this because I saw no notice. One day they just disappeared from the repodata and it is curious that the RPMs themselves are still there.
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