[CentOS-devel] SRPMS for AltArch (more specifically aarch64 kernel)

Fri Aug 17 09:21:28 UTC 2018
Dominique Martinet <dominique.martinet at cea.fr>

Hi Jim,

Jim Perrin wrote on Mon, Sep 11, 2017 at 09:27:58AM -0700:
> The sources are both in git.centos.org, and at
> http://vault.centos.org/altarch/7.3.1611/updates/Source/aarch64/Source/SPackages/
> for that particular set.

I'm looking for some 4.14 kernel srpm this time and I cannot find it in either:
 - https://git.centos.org/summary/rpms!kernel-aarch64.git assuming that
is where you meant by git.centos.org, that repo doesn't seem to have had
any update in a while ;
 - http://vault.centos.org/altarch/7.5.1804/updates/Source/aarch64/Source/SPackages/
looks empty to me.

Did the aarch64 kernel srpms get moved somewhere else since last year ?

Dominique Martinet