[CentOS-devel] building nfs-ganesha for ceph

Ken Dreyer

kdreyer at redhat.com
Wed Dec 5 17:47:53 UTC 2018

On Wed, Dec 5, 2018 at 9:53 AM Niels de Vos <ndevos at redhat.com> wrote:
> Opinions?

The biggest reason I want to exclude the package server side is that
will allow repoclosure to pass for the repo. repoclosure provides me a
sanity-check that the entire "product" is installable and I'm not
missing any packages. With the way we're growing more and more
packages, I want to make this as automated as possible. Ideally
repoclosure would automatically gate a package going from -candidate
to -testing.

One problem I see with configuring this exclusion client side is that
I'm not sure I can rely on everyone using the exact same .repo file. I
eventually want to ship packaged mock configs for Ceph, so we'd have
to duplicate that there as well :(

I'd like to know if the CentOS admins plan to stay on mash long-term,
and if so, let's look into filtering at that level, like Pungi can do.
What do you think?

- Ken

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