[CentOS-devel] debuginfo.centos.org status

Mon Mar 12 09:43:08 UTC 2018
Thomas Oulevey <thomas.oulevey at cern.ch>

Hello folks,

I have few remarks about http://debuginfo.centos.org as an user.

Lately our debug tools are depending on few debuginfo packages so we 
depend on them in our production environment.

The debuginfo server is structured as following :
├── 7
│   ├── i386
│   │   └── repodata
│   └── x86_64
│       └── repodata
└── centos
     ├── 6
     │   └── sclo
     └── 7
         ├── cloud
         ├── sclo
         ├── storage
         └── virt

1/ It seems that the experimental kernel debuginfo are copied in the 
same directory as the os/updates/extras which confuse a bit users 

e.g : 

Is there an official way to enable a repo to use these experimental 
(http://mirror.centos.org/altarch/7/experimental/x86_64/Packages/) ? In 
my opinion the debuginfo packages should be in a separate repo too. 
Could we move them to a better place ? under /altarch as the main 
packages on mirror ?

2/ Do we want to reorganize the debuginfo server ?

I would favor a tree where we can have debuginfo separated per repos as 
we do for sigs :

├── 7
│   ├── i386
│   │   └── os
│   │   └── updates
│   │   └── extras
│   │   └── etc...
│   └── x86_64
│   │   └── os
│   │   └── updates
│   │   └── extras
│   │   └── etc...

What do you think ?

Thomas Oulevey