[CentOS-devel] URLs in centos-release-<sig> packages: /altarch vs. /centos/

Mon Mar 19 14:58:15 UTC 2018
Brian Stinson <brian at bstinson.com>

On Mar 06 00:11, Brian Stinson wrote:
> Hi Folks,
> Now that we have SIG Content in the /altarch directories for CentOS 7 on the
> mirrors, we need to come with some requirements and recommendations for dealing
> with the different locations. 
> tl;dr The current thinking is to add the following snippet in the %post of
> centos-release and release to all of the arches. This will set a yum var to the
> correct content location when a new system gets installed: 
>     `uname -m | grep -q 'x86_64'  && echo 'centos' >/etc/yum/vars/contentdir || echo 'altarch' >/etc/yum/vars/contentdir`
> Here's the start of a proposal from the SIG perspective
> ## Requirements:
> - - The same noarch binary RPM *must* be distributable to the Extras
>   repo for each architecture
> - - The centos-release-<SIG> packages *must* require centos-release
> ## New Recommendations for creating a centos-release file:
> - - A yum variable called 'contentdir' will be populated with the toplevel
>   directory for SIGs to use
> 1.) Modify baseurls in the SIG repo files to look like the following (using
> openstack-queens as an example):
>  [centos-openstack-queens]
>  name=CentOS-7 - OpenStack queens
>  baseurl=https://mirror.centos.org/$contentdir/cloud/$basearch/openstack-queens/
>  gpgcheck=1
>  enabled=1
>  gpgkey=file:///etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-CentOS-SIG-Cloud
>  exclude=sip,PyQt4
> ## Discussion
> I'd like to hear thoughts, additions, and subtractions here before we update
> the SIGGuide and rework centos-release. 
> Cheers!
> - --
> Brian Stinson

Hi All,

Since there were no objections, I think we should start implementing
this proposal. I would like see if KB or Johnny have any thoughts before
we get started, since they'll be making these changes. 
