[CentOS-devel] SIG reports - October newsletter

Rich Bowen

rbowen at redhat.com
Thu Sep 20 20:31:05 UTC 2018

I've begun to draft the October newsletter on blog.centos.org  If your 
SIG would like to report anything to the broader CentOS community, 
please do let me know what you'd like to say.

Or, if you'd like to edit it yourself, please go right ahead and make 
your edits directly in my draft.

If there's other content you'd like to contribute to the newsletter, 
please do let me know. The centos-promo list is the best place to 
discuss your newsletter ideas.

The deadline for content is end of day, October 1st.

If you've not edited anything in the blog before: Blog logins are tied 
to your CentOS account. After you've logged into the blog editing 
interface once - https://blog.centos.org/wp-admin - just let me know, 
and I can add you to the Editors group.


Rich Bowen - rbowen at redhat.com
@CentOSProject // @rbowen
859 351 9166

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