[CentOS-devel] SIG Content to remove for the 7.7.1908 release

Fri Aug 16 01:48:42 UTC 2019
Johnny Hughes <johnny at centos.org>

For all the c7 SIGs, if you have content that you want removed (to make
inactive) when we create the new 7.7.1908 tree, please let me know here
what needs to be removed.

If all files in a specific directory can be removed, you can just list
the directory.

You will also obviously need to make any changes to your
centos-release-* files to remove those file locations from your repos.

After we release 7.7.1908 .. we will copy over the SIG directories prune
the SIG content.  The http://mirror.centos.org/centos/7/<repo>/ paths
will then be shifted to the new 7.7.1908 tree.

I expect that some time early next week we will release the CR content
.. with the full release coming 7 to 14 days after that .. so full
release likely some time between 29 August  to 6 September 2019.

If you don't tell us to remove content, we will move everything over as is.

Johnny Hughes

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