[CentOS-devel] Availability of updated official CentOS 7 Amazon Machine Images

Fri Jan 11 12:55:49 UTC 2019
Karanbir Singh <kbsingh at centos.org>

Hi Marko,

I do this as part of the Cloud Instance SIG - help would be appreciated,
however, AWS own the delivery last-mile ( as would / do other vendors as
well ).

One thing thats been on the radar and has made -some- progress is to get
the nightly build to a more public place, run from ci.centos.org; help
to close that would be great!


On 11/01/2019 10:08, Marko Bevc wrote:
> Is there a SIG for that? I could help with that if needed.
> Best,
> Marko
> On Thu, 10 Jan 2019, Karanbir Singh wrote:
>> On 10/01/2019 21:43, Ian Gable wrote:
>>> Hi All,
>>> Could someone please point me in the right direction for whom to talk to
>>> about getting the official CentOS 7 Amazon Machine Image updated? I’m
>>> talking about the AWS market place images here:
>>> https://aws.amazon.com/marketplace/pp/B00O7WM7QW which are also linked
>>> from the CentOS home page. They haven’t been updated since June 13, 2018
>>> . It would be especially nice to have them updated given the
>>> availability of 1810.
>> I'm in the process of getting those updated. ETA is ~ 4 working days.
>> regards,

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