[CentOS-devel] CR repo messes ctdb package deps badly


peljasz at yahoo.co.uk
Tue Jul 2 14:09:51 UTC 2019

On 02/07/2019 14:58, Trevor Hemsley wrote:
> On 02/07/2019 13:45, lejeczek via CentOS-devel wrote:
>> Error: Package: samba-client-libs-4.8.3-4.el7.i686 (base)
>>            Requires: samba-common = 4.8.3-4.el7
>>            Installed: samba-common-4.8.3-4.el7.0.1.noarch (@fasttrack)
>>                samba-common = 4.8.3-4.el7.0.1
>>            Available: samba-common-4.8.3-4.el7.noarch (base)
>>                samba-common = 4.8.3-4.el7
> Here's the actual problem. You had fasttrack installed and enabled when
> you installed samba-common and it's got samba-common 4.8.3-4.el7.0.1
> installed from there. Now you don't have fasttrack enabled and are
> trying to install other samba packages and it's only finding the
> 4.8.3-4.el7 ones from base.
> Enable fasttrack to install the matching ones.
> Trevor

true, but still, it being messy to such an extent (when with CR) that
different archs being chained together, must be something in involved
rpms deps, no?

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