[CentOS-devel] SIG reports and the July newsletter

Mon Jul 1 17:26:06 UTC 2019
Rich Bowen <rbowen at redhat.com>

Due to two months of back-to-back travel, I am way behind on the July 
newsletter. I still hope to get it done for Tuesday or Wednesday this week.

This month, we expect reports from:

   * Alt Arch
   * Cloud
   * NFV
   * Promo
   * Storage

as per the listing at https://wiki.centos.org/SpecialInterestGroup

As I haven't given any of these groups my usual two-week warning, I 
imagine that this comes as a surprise. But if you can get me a report of 
some kind in the next couple of days, it would be hugely appreciated. If 
not, that's on me, not on you.


Rich Bowen - rbowen at redhat.com
@CentOSProject // @rbowen
859 351 9166