[CentOS-devel] Community build services and EPEL8

Wed Jul 10 21:09:13 UTC 2019
Thomas Oulevey <thomas.oulevey at cern.ch>

Hi Stephen,

Thanks for your questions.

Inline my feedback.

On 10.07.19 22:57, Stephen John Smoogen wrote:
> 1. What are the policies that EPEL would need to change?

EPEL is shipping only latest build in their repo. We can't build against 
older packages. Another issue is that koji doesn't allow that either. 
The intermediate repo metadata only contains latest builds and it is not 
configurable as far as I remember.

> 2. What are the parts of EPEL that are a moving target compared to the 
> continuous release method of CentOS?

We can build packages and stick to them for a whole lifecycle of a SIG 
project release for both "Requires:" and "Buildrequires:".

I am sure there are other concerns that can be discussed by the pkgs 

Thomas Oulevey