[CentOS-devel] Community build services and EPEL8

Thu Jul 25 14:28:24 UTC 2019
Matthew Miller <mattdm at mattdm.org>

On Thu, Jul 25, 2019 at 09:25:53AM -0400, Stephen John Smoogen wrote:
> > It depends on _why_ there's a new version. If the new version is an API
> > change and the consumer wants to keep the old line for compatibility, just
> > pinning to an old release means you're not able to do bug fixes or security
> > updates. If that's expected to be a long-term situation, a module would
> > make sense then.
> >
> So I don't think that is possible without even more investment in the EPEL
> infrastructure. It means our tooling and our mirrors have to keep 'dead'
> modules around as much as 'dead' packages.  Yes you are pinning to an old
> module but if it is no longer in the downloads or mirrors then it is just
> as unavailable as if the RPM you needed for your enterprise is no longer in
> the EPEL repo.

I'm not suggesting the module would be "dead". Instead, because SIG consumer
needs a certain version, and there is demand for a newer version from other
consumers (or just interest in providing it), rather than maintaining that
other version in a separate SIG repo, it could be maintained in EPEL as a
module stream. Probably a very low-maintenance one, but there would still be
the possibility of bug-fixes or security patches, or perhaps even updating
to an API-compatible x.y.z release of the older x.y.

Matthew Miller
<mattdm at fedoraproject.org>
Fedora Project Leader