[CentOS-devel] Delta RPMs (drpms) for CentOS-6 and CentOS-7

Jeff Sheltren

jeff at tag1consulting.com
Tue Jun 4 15:25:04 UTC 2019

On Tue, Jun 4, 2019 at 9:18 AM Pat Riehecky <riehecky at fnal.gov> wrote:

> I'd love to see drpms for things like going from 7.5.1804 to 7.6.1810 (or
> the next set of versions) in theory these should only need maintenance with
> the actual release and might help with folks making the upgrade.  I can see
> this having a positive impact at release time for folks and let people
> who've got old media make a faster jump.
I'm curious why are you in favor of drpms in that specific case? In my
experience, if you are on a fast network and/or have a local mirror, drpm
updates are going to be slower than regular package updates. And would the
CR repo address whatever your concern is about point release updates?

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