[CentOS-devel] virusscan a RPM file?

Wed Jun 12 07:01:55 UTC 2019
Thomas Stephen Lee <lee.iitb at gmail.com>




and scan your RPM. You will get a list of virus scan software that supports

We use

Sophos AV for Linux used via MailScanner <https://www.mailscanner.info/>.




Thomas Stephen Lee

On Wed, Jun 12, 2019 at 7:54 AM Mihai Moldovan <ionic at ionic.de> wrote:

> * On 6/12/19 4:16 AM, Young, Gregory wrote:
> > I would suggest, after the build is completed, have clamav scan the
> sources, as part of the build section of the RPM spec. Once the RPM is
> built, make sure to GPG sign it and also publish your public key so GPG
> signature checking can be enabled. In this way, you satisfy the AV scan
> requirement on the package contents before packaging, and you sign the
> package during build to help ensure it hasn't been tampered with post build.
> That implies that virus scanners are able to detect malicious source code,
> which
> doesn't seem likely, since they mostly look for binary patterns
> (notwithstanding
> stuff like VBScript) and that the build machine was not itself infected and
> spews out malicious binaries for clean source code.
> Doesn't sound like a good way to go to me.
> > Obviously, you need to go through all the rigamarol to ensure signature
> checking is enabled on the destination devices, and that your key is
> imported and trusted (and you will want to sign your repo if you use one as
> well, and enable repo signature checking), and also ensure that unsigned
> RPMs cannot be installed.
> Together with signing you could however transfer the RPM file to a trusted
> scanning box, check the signature, unpack the file (rpm2cpio ... | cpio
> --extract --make-directories) into a staging directory and use clamav's
> manual
> scanner on that staging directory. This can easily be done on a CentOS box
> with
> EPEL packages and a bit of automation scripts. That approach also assumes
> that
> you have a "trusted scanning box", but all this snake oil expects a trusted
> something at some point in the chain.
> Mihai
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