[CentOS-devel] missing src.rpm for updated centos 8 kernels?

Wed Nov 20 13:38:34 UTC 2019
Dominique Martinet <dominique.martinet at cea.fr>

Antal Nemeš wrote on Wed, Nov 20, 2019 at 02:09:32PM +0100:
> > Generally there are two places to find source rpms if they're missing on
> > vault:
> > - git.centos.org, e.g. for kernel on centos8
> > https://git.centos.org/rpms/kernel/commits/c8
> > You'd need to check this out and rebuild from spec
> Thanks for the tip.
> Are "src.rpm missing on vault" a common problem? I don't recall having
> these issues with Centos 7.

I don't know if it's common, but I was given the link to git.centos.org
back when centos8 just got released and the src packages were not
populated yet on vault. I assume it was a different issue than what we
have now (it was an older kernel iirc)

> I have a CI system that builds non-standard kernel modules, which
> relies on src.rpms being available through standard source
> repositories.
> Right now, it's easier for me to stay on kernel-4.18.0-80.7.1.el8_0
> which has a src.rpm, assuming this gets sorted out eventually.

Yeah, this was also the reason I was looking for the debuginfo package
actually, some kernel modules look for sources in there instead.

> > - koji build lets you download artefacts including the src.rpm (and in my case, the -debuginfo package)
> > https://koji.mbox.centos.org/koji/buildinfo?buildID=4562
> Download link for src.rpm (and others) in Koji returns 403 (Request forbidden by administrative rules).
> [1] https://koji.mbox.centos.org/pkgs/packages/kernel/4.18.0/80.11.2.el8_0/src/kernel-4.18.0-80.11.2.el8_0.src.rpm
> I don't see any login or signup option on the page.

doh, I was sure it worked a few weeks ago but that might have been me
misremembering something.. I cannot find where it would have been that I
had gotten it back then though, I'm pretty sure I didn't clone the git,
maybe it got intentionally blocked to avoid people like me snooping
about :/

Sorry for the false report,
