[CentOS-devel] Patch Propagation

Thu Oct 17 12:17:23 UTC 2019
Stephen John Smoogen <smooge at gmail.com>

On Thu, 17 Oct 2019 at 04:03, MF Ghani <mfghani0 at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> Does CentOS monitor the linux mainline to backport bug fixes? or does
> it monitor RedHat patch releases? or both?
> Incase it only monitors RedHat patch releases, does redhat make all
> their security bug fixes publicly available for the CentOS community
> to adopt or does it selectively release patches?

CentOS is a rebuild of the sources released by Red Hat for its Red Hat
Enterprise Linux. Basically the flow goes something like this

[Red Hat] -> [git.centos.org] -> [CentOS rebuilders] -> [CentOS mirrors]

For information on how and what Red Hat makes public, I would check
with what they have on their website versus basing on what a person on
a mailing list says. That said, Red Hat makes the fixes they deliver
to customers available via the above method.

> Best,
> - Ghani
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Stephen J Smoogen.