[CentOS-devel] On leaving Red Hat
Jim Perrin
jperrin at centos.orgWed Apr 15 20:01:34 UTC 2020
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When I joined Red Hat in 2013, it was to help CentOS facilitate open source communities such as RDO, oVirt, and others. In the years since, my goal grew to include helping Red Hat develop more openly, and to help align the value CentOS provides with the needs of Red Hat. With Red Hat’s increased investment, focus, and interest in CentOS Stream, I feel like this has been successful. While the work is far from finished, I’m confident that the CentOS team in coordination with other RHEL teams will see it through. Much like Mary Poppins, when people you’re helping are doing the right things, it’s time to move on. Therefore, I intend to leave Red Hat, and my last day will be May 8th. While I’ve very much enjoyed causing trouble at the Hat, it’s time for me to put this skill to use elsewhere. Don't worry or read too much into this. I’m not going far, and I’ll still be active in the community. -- Jim Perrin The CentOS Project | http://www.centos.org twitter: @BitIntegrity | GPG Key: FA09AD77
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