[CentOS-devel] Dealing with unshipped -devel packages in CentOS Linux 8 and CentOS Stream

Fabian Arrotin

arrfab at centos.org
Fri Apr 3 13:03:54 UTC 2020

On 03/04/2020 14:46, Leon Fauster via CentOS-devel wrote:
> Am 13.03.20 um 17:34 schrieb Brian Stinson:
>> Hi Folks,
>> We were exploring ways to deal with devel packages that are unshipped
>> upstream in RHEL 8, but which are required at build-time in SIG
>> deliverables, or for software that you might want to build at home.
>> We just pushed the Devel variant to the mirrors, as soon the mirror
>> network coalesces, you can find this repository at:
>> http://mirror.centos.org/centos/8/Devel, OR
>> http://mirror.centos.org/centos/8-Stream/Devel
>> We are currently in the process of including a .repo file (disabled by
>> default) in centos-release. Look for an update to that soon.
>> Special thanks to James Antill, who did most of the compose work on this
>> variant.
>> Here are some questions that you might have, and some answers:
>> ## What is the Devel repo for?
>> We envision using the Devel repo for packages that are unshipped in
>> CentOS Linux/CentOS Stream but needed for build-time dependencies of
>> other packages. Devel is *NOT* meant to satisfy runtime dependencies or
>> for long term use on general purpose machines.
>> ## How do I use the Devel repo?
>> We will soon ship repo files in centos-release-8.1-1.1911.0.9.el8 and
>> centos-release-stream-8.1-1.1911.0.9.el8, once those are installed you
>> can enable the Devel repo by running:
>> dnf config-manager --enable Devel (on CentOS Linux), OR
>> dnf config-manager --enable Stream-Devel (on CentOS Stream)
>> Reminder: this repo is *not* for general purpose use, and is only
>> recommended for buildtime activities only.
>> ## How do I ask for an unshipped package to be included in Devel?
>> Please file a bug on bugs.centos.org
>> Project: CentOS-8
>> Category: _unreleased_devel_packages
>> Give us a short description of the -devel package that you need, and a
>> description of what the -devel package is used to build.
>> ## Why do you need to know what the -devel packages are used for?
>> We ask for that information to better understand the impact of not
>> including them in a normal release artifact. This is an information
>> gathering opportunity and is *not* for making inclusion/rejection
>> judgements for Devel
>> ## Why isn't my package included yet?
>> We began with a small subset of requests to test our compose and
>> delivery configs. We plan to close out bugs that are fixed with this
>> push shortly, and then process the rest of the queue. Stay tuned to your
>> open bugs if you have them.
>> ## Why not include *all* unshipped components in Devel?
>> One reason is that we want to gather impact information that we can
>> communicate upstream.
>> More importantly, Red Hat has decided that these unshipped packages are
>> lower in bugfix/update priority compared to the ones that made it into
>> RHEL. In very limited cases, we may not see updates to such packages
>> through the usual source-drop process, we need to maintain a list so
>> that the CentOS team can monitor those packages more closely.
> I didn't check that but "most" unshipped packages have corresponding
> parts shipped. This applies mostly for all -devel packages. So if they
> get updates the build process also gives new unshipped packages out.
> But my actually questions is: There are already some bug reports under
> _unreleased_devel_packages. Whats the average time to see such packages
> in the Devel repo?
> And can this repo also have feed unter https://feeds.centos.org/ ?
> -- 
> Thanks for this effort!
> Leon

Can't answer for content, but for the feeds, I just pushed the small
needed change [1] so expect some .xml files to appear in the next
minutes ...


Fabian Arrotin
The CentOS Project | https://www.centos.org
gpg key: 17F3B7A1 | twitter: @arrfab

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