[CentOS-devel] Centos 8.1 - missing src.rpms (again)

Wed Apr 22 08:29:49 UTC 2020
Antal Nemeš <Antal.Nemes at hycu.com>

> Dominique Martinet at Tuesday, 21 April 2020 12:04
> Antal Nemeš wrote on Tue, Apr 21, 2020 at 11:05:39AM +0200:
> > After the last updates to centos 8.1 packages, it seems the src.rpms
> > have not been pushed to vault.
> > For example, kernel-4.18.0-147.8.1.el8_1.src.rpm is nowhere to be
> > found, even in 8.1.1911
> FWIW, as a workaround, you can still rebuild the kernel and access the
> sources through git.centos.org - this spec file properly says
> 4.18.0-147.8.1.el8_1 :
> https://git.centos.org/rpms/kernel/blob/c8/f/SPECS/kernel.spec
> So just grab the c8 branch and rpmbuild -ba to get a new .src.rpm

Will try. This is my first time building a centos src.rpm from git, so I want to check if my assumptions correct:
- git.centos.org doesn't have source tarballs themselves, so I need to pull them out of RedHat's official src.rpms.
- To access official src.rpms, I need a subscription (free for developers).
