[CentOS-devel] kernel-4.18.0-193.14.2.el8_2 in git.centos.org

Mon Aug 3 14:43:49 UTC 2020
Antal Nemeš <Antal.Nemes at hycu.com>

> -----Original Message-----
> From: CentOS-devel <centos-devel-bounces at centos.org> On Behalf Of Brian
> Stinson
> Sent: Monday, 3 August 2020 16:14
> > I believe 14.3 is exactly the same as 14.2 except that RH needed to
> > adjust the signing order of their certificates and since those are RH
> > specific, 14.2 == 14.3 for the intents and purposes of non-RHEL builds.
> >
> > Trevor
> This is the correct answer. The difference between 14.2 and 14.3 is only
> applicable to RHEL, and is not a change in the underlying content. The CentOS
> kernels were dual-signed in the right order for us in 14.2
> --Brian

Great, thanks for confirmation. This throws a gigantic monkey wrench in my attempts 
at automating src.rpm generation from git.centos.org, so I hope this was an exceptional occurrence?
