[CentOS-devel] Centos 8.x, dlm Package unavailable

Tue Aug 25 18:47:43 UTC 2020
Johnny Hughes <johnny at centos.org>

On 8/25/20 11:21 AM, Theodor Mittermair wrote:
> Hello,
> I'd like to inquire about the status of the "dlm" package on Centos 8,
> which is required for using 'lvmlockd', replacement of 'clvmd'.
> I also asked on #centos irc channel and was directed to this mailing list
> There is a corresponding bug ticket [2] for this issue for quite some
> time, but since the end-of-life of CentOS 6 grows closer, some people
> would like to replace their CentOS 6 Cluster with a CentOS 8 one, which
> is why I ask on this mailing list now.
> With the release of CentOS 8.0 it seems there were some issues with
> HighAvailability in general [1], but seem to have been resolved with
> CentOS 8.1.
> However, as already mentioned there is a separate ticket [2], for the
> dlm package, which is unresolved as far ( 2020-08-25, Centos8.2 ) as i
> am aware.
> This prevents the use of clustered lvm and gfs2 out of the box, not an
> uncommon use when configuring a HA Cluster, also described by RedHat
> documentation [3].
> In that tickets' conversation, it is mentioned that "that package is not
> in RHEL .. we have released what is in RHEL", however someone else
> seemed to have been in contact with RedHat and received information that
> "...this package is in fact part of a RedHat repository and then CentOS
> members should be able to take a look into it again...".
> I'd also like to bring attention to the following explicitly:
> * dlm-lib and dlm seem to be built from the same source rpm, dlm-lib is
> available while dlm is not.
> * apparently at some point in time dlm could be downloaded from koji
> [4], but no more. For testing purposes we built dlm ourselves, locally
> as well as on copr [5], which seems to work thus far.
> * fedora (however much this might mean) provides dlm.
> * It might just be a configuration error on the build system, if I
> understood correctly, there was/is larger amounts of restructuring. Also
> see chders' post from 2020-08-21 [2], which provides a possible
> explanation and solution.
> For completeness, you should be able reproduce the absence of that
> package with:
> "yum --disablerepo='*'
> --enablerepo=BaseOS,AppStream,HighAvailability,epel,cr,centosplus,PowerTools,Devel,extras,fasttrack
> list available | grep dlm"
> or simply attempt to
> "yum install dlm"
> on your CentOS 8.x Installation.
> Therefore, I would like to ask:
> Is this an error on my end, am I doing something wrong or missing a
> configuration?
> If no, is there actually any political/technical/administrative/law
> based reason for the unavailability of the "dlm" package?
> If no, according to recent posts on the ticket [2], there might be a
> rather simple solution (simplified, declaring the package to be included
> in a repository), is it valid and who could do this if applicable?
> with best regards
> Theodor Mittermair
> <https://koji.mbox.centos.org/koji/buildinfo?buildID=4801>
> [1] https://bugs.centos.org/view.php?id=16553
> [2] https://bugs.centos.org/view.php?id=16939
> [3]
> https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/red_hat_enterprise_linux/8/html/configuring_and_managing_high_availability_clusters/assembly_configuring-gfs2-in-a-cluster-configuring-and-managing-high-availability-clusters
> [4] https://koji.mbox.centos.org/koji/buildinfo?buildID=145
> [5] https://copr.fedorainfracloud.org/coprs/astra/dlm/

I have already stated it several places.  Resilient Storageis not base
RHEL and not added to CentOS Linux 8.  If you want Advance Platform
items, subscribe to RHEL.

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