[CentOS-devel] What should I do in my cluster? CentOS streams dilemma.

Pablo Sanz Mercado

pablo.sanz at uam.es
Sat Dec 26 18:07:18 UTC 2020

El vie, 25-12-2020 a las 12:32 +0100, Ljubomir Ljubojevic escribió:
> On 12/25/20 11:54 AM, Pablo Sanz Mercado wrote:
> > 	I have been reading a lot about the new CentOS stream
> > "revolution", but now I am trying to understand the dilemma most of
> > "regular" sysadmin have: 
> > 
> > What should I do?
> > 
> > 	As you know there are a lot of computational centers working
> > with CentOS. Sometimes because it is the best OS sysadmin knows,
> > sometimes because of a low budget problem.
> > 
> > 	Now we have this important change, so we have to decide. We
> > have to choose the OS we are going to install in our servers,
> > moreover
> > we have to decide as quickly as we can, because as you know changes
> > should be done as calm as posible.
> > 
> > 	Could we list pros/cons about using CentOS stream in a
> > computational Center?
> Response of the Red Hat employees will most like be "do not worry,
> just
> use it". Also, if you are educational institution, you might get no-
> cost
> licenses, once offer is prepared.
> Response of the many of current "CentOS Linux" users is that:
> - "CentOS Stream" (still) does not have solved issue of 3rd party
> kernel
> modules braking RHEL kernel devs decide to change kABI,
> - and you have to be aware that "CentOS Stream" will have (has at
> this
> moment) only latest/one version of all packages, so downgrade will
> not
> be possible (without internal repo that saves old package versions).
> - Also, be ready to potentially have daily updates of many packages
> while they are prepared by RHEL devs. Scope and intensity of this is
> not
> clear to anyone from outside RHEL, but every change that is done to
> packages prepared for next RHEL minor version will land to "CentOS
> Stream" at some point between RHEL minor releases (8.3 to 8.4, 8.4 to
> 8.5, etc), basically they can happen any day of the year and it could
> be
> never for some packages but every few days for others, no way to
> predict.
> - Other then these technical issues, only other difference is that
> "CentOS Stream" will not correspond to any specific RHEL minor
> release,
> so software and hardware vendors might or might not decide to
> officially
> or unofficially support "CentOS Stream" as they did "CentOS Linux".
> Notice that "CentOS Linux 7" will be supported to natural EOL in
> 2024,
> you do not have to worry about those (hopefully).

	It is true, but I think in a computational center 3 years is
not enough to prepare everything. Take into account you have to compile
every research program you have (hundreds) and what is going to happen
with software like Lustre? It is going to be hard to assimilate.

> If neither of no-cost RHEL and "CentOS Stream 8" is good option for
> you,
> you should be able to rather easily switch "CentOS Linux 8" to
> "Springdale" RHEL clone or "Oracle Linux 8", both are readily
> available
> and no-cost options. CloudLinux project "Lenix" is expected to
> produce
> usable distro before April 2021 ("in Q1 2021"), and Rocky Linux
> before
> September 2021 ("in Q2 2021").
> > 	Are we going to see CentOS stream in the top500 list?
> I doubt "CentOS/"CentOS Stream" will even keep it's today market
> share
> "CentOS Linux" has after 2024 when "CentOS Linux 7" hits EOL

	I hope you are wrong at this point, but...

	Best regards,


> > 	Best regards,
> > 
> > 				Pablo Sanz
> > 
> > 
Pablo Sanz Mercado
Director Técnico
Centro de Computación Científica
Universidad Autónoma de Madrid

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