[CentOS-devel] Before You Get Mad About The CentOS Stream Change, Think About…

Tue Dec 15 19:23:49 UTC 2020
Phelps, Matthew <mphelps at cfa.harvard.edu>

On Tue, Dec 15, 2020 at 2:03 PM Mike McGrath <mmcgrath at redhat.com> wrote:

> On Tue, Dec 15, 2020 at 12:30 PM Phelps, Matthew <mphelps at cfa.harvard.edu>
> wrote:
>> On Tue, Dec 15, 2020 at 1:00 PM Mike McGrath <mmcgrath at redhat.com> wrote:
>>> On Tue, Dec 15, 2020 at 10:23 AM sankarshan <
>>> sankarshan.mukhopadhyay at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> I am going to snip a lot of this note and respond to a specific part.
>>>> On Tue, 15 Dec 2020 at 21:33, Ljubomir Ljubojevic <centos at plnet.rs>
>>>> wrote:
>>>> >
>>>> > It looks like "fatherlinux" chose to not allow my comment. I see he
>>>> > allowed some other comments and replied to some other, but mine is
>>>> > missing, so I will post it here:
>>>> >
>>>> > ********************
>>>> [snipped]
>>>> > To conclude:
>>>> > When RH employed CentOS Core team in 2014 they promised that nothing
>>>> > will change for "CentOS Linux". According to Johnny Hughes, member of
>>>> > the CentOS board this change of direction, discontinuing of "CentOS
>>>> > Linux" happened my RH liaison stating that changes will be made how
>>>> ever
>>>> > rest of the CentOS board votes (with implication concluded by me that
>>>> > those against will lose  RH employee status). Board was initially
>>>> > against, but then they capitulated in front of Red Hat blackmails and
>>>> > decided "to vote for changes unanimously". Red Had flexed it's
>>>> muscles,
>>>> > members of CentOS Board will be forever remembered as exchanging
>>>> > reputation and respect for income in Red Hat, and users decided such
>>>> > tactics deserve abandonment of Red Hat.
>>>> > Some 30% of people commenting negatively say they will move to
>>>> > Debian/Ubuntu regardless of any positive points Red Hat employees try
>>>> to
>>>> > make, at least 60% will stay on CentOS Linux 7 until EOL but will
>>>> switch
>>>> > CentOS Linux 8 to Springdale, Oracle, or Rocky or Lenix  in next 12
>>>> > months, and big non-for-profit institutions will wait to see what will
>>>> > happen with "free RHEL licensees" for them. Around 70-80% of sysadmins
>>>> > and CentOS users  commenting will never, ever, recommend RHEL to
>>>> anyone.
>>>> > I have to rebase my server from CentOS 6, and I am going with
>>>> Springdale
>>>> > for now, and will start learning Debian. I will soon resign as admin
>>>> in
>>>> > Facebook group (Many think that FB group is owned by me) and I was
>>>> > already asked by some FB users if I plan to create new EL group they
>>>> can
>>>> > switch to. Only reason to delay is to try to persuade members and
>>>> > visitors that they do not have to rush with switching to
>>>> Debian/Ubuntu,
>>>> > that there is still time.
>>>> >
>>>> > ****************************
>>>> The RHT - CentOS bits happened in 2014. I am certain that the
>>>> statements from the CentOS team were made with the best intentions and
>>>> were not meant to masquerade anything. Holding the entire phenomenal
>>>> CentOS crew (all of whom have spent long years building this community
>>>> with love) to a statement made way back in 2014 seems and is a bit
>>>> unfair. Realities change and it would be reasonably obvious that
>>>> strategic plans determined CentOS-as-upstream-of-RHEL to be the need
>>>> of the hour rather than continue with the focus of CentOS as it has
>>>> been.
>>>> Please pause for a moment and think about the individuals being
>>>> denigrated on the lists. These are not the evil, malicious and
>>>> villainous characters they are being demonized as. For what it is
>>>> worth we've likely met them in person, shared a joke or a beverage. I
>>>> doubt they like the outcome any more than we in the community do.
>>>> Being kind, being respectful and being an ally does not take a lot.
>>>> Let's be that while we find how best to preserve our interests,
>>>> businesses and energies.
>>> I'd also just add that while I find Johnny's characterization of what
>>> happened accurate, Ljubomir took a couple of leaps that I don't think
>>> existed.  Red Hat decided not to continue paying actual money for what was
>>> actively harming us and no longer providing the value that it once did.  No
>>> one, not even the board, could force Red Hat to continue paying for this
>>> project which was just not working for us.
>> Thanks for admitting that the reason Red Hat did this was financial. This
>> BS about it being "a better way for Community input into RHEL" is just
>> that, BS.
> Ah, actually I didn't do that.  RHEL is and has been doing fine.  Don't
> confuse "value" with revenue.  CentOS Linux no longer served any purpose at
> Red Hat and I'll flip it back around as I did in the previous email.
> Why should Red Hat, or any company, continue to pay for something that
> isn't working out?

Because you committed to it?  Because you, repeatedly, said you would? And
we believed you?

>> Can we stop with the charade that this is supposed to be a good thing for
>> the CentOS community? It's not. It was never intended to be. It's a
>> punishment for us getting "free Red Hat" all these years.
> I don't think anyone's said that.  This is a massive change and disruption
> for the existing CentOS community.  90% of the community (by our estimates)
> will be able to stay on CentOS 7 until 2024 just as they expected.  We made
> sure the 10% on CentOS Linux 8 didn't continue to grow (thus trying to
> minimize impact).  We aren't punishing anyone and the fact that two other
> clones have already popped up is a testament to that.

I have been lambasted repeatedly as if I was stealing from Red Hat. And
that Red Hat deserved to get something from us "freeloaders."

Well, you all see the reaction this has garnered around the world, and it's
>> all negative except for the Red Hat employees trying to convince us it's a
>> good thing. Nice try.
> Actually, things took an interesting turn around Thursday.  Once people
> understood what we actually announced much of the press has been very
> positive, and now that the shock has worn off, we're seeing quite a lot of
> support.
>> We all know differently. And we are all now making influential choices
>> that will hurt Red Hat.
> I don't mean to sound cold here but if you really want to talk about the
> business side of this....  If you don't have a budget and don't end up
> finding a home in our coming low-cost or free offerings (Fedora, CentOS
> Stream, UBI, or RHEL for developers, CI, Open Source, edu, mom/pop shops,
> etc).  Then what choices are you talking about?

I was instrumental in recommending my organization go with RH way back when
it was free. Then Fedora, then CentOS, and, yes, paid Red Hat in some
places. I will be recommending otherwise now.

>           -Mike
>> Good job!
>> I'm not going to say that the announcement was the board's idea or even
>>> that they were happy about it.  I think the previous course and speed of
>>> CentOS was well understood.  But that no longer worked for Red Hat who is
>>> paying for people, servers, swag, etc.  The list goes on.
>>> Note: I was not in the room when the voting happened.  I was involved in
>>> the negotiations.  The board had a tremendous impact on helping Red Hat
>>> better understand some things that needed to happen in CentOS Stream.  For
>>> example, versioning it and supporting it through the full support cycle of
>>> RHEL instead of what stream was before (a sort of continuous stream with
>>> one year overlap for migrations, etc).  The Board is expecting things out
>>> of CentOS Stream and we expect them to hold us to that.
>>> It's easy to say "The Board is full of Red Hatters and they did this."
>>> But I think we all know that's not the case, some of the Red Hatters on the
>>> board were as fierce a defender of the existing CentOS community as one
>>> could possibly be.  The board could have voted this down.  Red Hat could
>>> have dissolved the board (as I understand the voting rules).  But that
>>> didn't happen.  Both sides of this came to an agreement that we - together
>>> - could live with and that represented a positive future for CentOS.  A
>>> very very different future for sure, but a positive one.
>>>            -Mike
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>> *Matt Phelps*
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*Matt Phelps*

*Information Technology Specialist, Systems Administrator*

(Computation Facility, Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory)

Center for Astrophysics | Harvard & Smithsonian

60 Garden Street | MS 39 | Cambridge, MA 02138
email: mphelps at cfa.harvard.edu

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