[CentOS-devel] https://blog.centos.org/2020/12/future-is-centos-stream/

Tue Dec 8 18:32:10 UTC 2020
Leon Fauster <leonfauster at googlemail.com>

Am 08.12.20 um 18:00 schrieb Johnny Hughes:
> On 12/8/20 8:58 AM, Manuel Wolfshant wrote:
>> On 12/8/20 4:47 PM, Patrick Riehecky wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> Does
>>> https://centos.org/distro-faq/#q5-does-this-mean-that-centos-stream-is-the-rhel-beta-test-platform-now
>>> address your concerns?
>> When I see "Security issues will be updated in CentOS Stream after they
>> are solved in the current RHEL release." I can only reply your question
>> with "No, it does not"
> That is NO different that now.  We build CentOS updates after they are
> released in RHEL and then the source code is pushed to git.centos.org
> .. we always have.
> This is no different.  The security updates will be pushed to stream
> after they have been pushed to RHEL .. just like now.

If you compare it carefully you find rpms in CentOS Linux that are newer 
than in CentOS Stream - so security updates not landed in C8S.
