[CentOS-devel] https://blog.centos.org/2020/12/future-is-centos-stream/

Wed Dec 9 20:53:27 UTC 2020
Oliver Paukstadt <pstadt at sourcentral.org>

On Wed, 2020-12-09 at 05:38 -0500, Konstantin Boyandin via CentOS-devel 
> https://access.redhat.com/support/policy/updates/errata/#Life_Cycle_Dates
> Yeah, deeply, in many a sense. I am a sysadmin, attending to quite a
> lot of systems, and CentOS was a real blessing.
> Now, as I see it, CentOS is becoming a sandbox for upcoming RHEL
> minor releases, so one can bid farewell to free to use, stable,
> reliable and predictable OS.
It is for the ISVs now. 3rd party software vendors which do not need to
buy a RHEL license to provide software for RHEL. They can test next
releases now without troubles. RedHat does not want personal users,
they only want business.

First thing if you switch to streams, it installs subscription-manager.
If you try to uninstall it, tuned is going to be removed. Feels like
bullying on all levels.

> I am currently in process of upgrading multiple CentOS-driven
> systems, so this piece of news has become a nasty surprise. Looks
> like a major decision should be taken right now.

I am really disappointed: A year ago they promised nothing will change
for the rebuild version when streams was announced. Since then I have
migrated all of my personal CentOS 6 to CentOS 8. And right after the
end of CentOS 6, CentOS 8 rebuild is going to be destroyed within a few
months. I don't believe in coincidence, this is very dishonest move.

So lets support the free linux distributions or create another rebuild
