[CentOS-devel] Before You Get Mad About The CentOS Stream Change, Think About…

Thu Dec 17 08:13:38 UTC 2020
Peter Eckel <lists at eckel-edv.de>


> On 17. Dec 2020, at 09:03, Simon Matter <simon.matter at invoca.ch> wrote:
> I know that Red Hat was and is free to decide what they want. But I can
> assure you that the only reason why quite a number RHEL subscriptions have
> been sold to the companies where I have worked in the past is that there
> was a project called CentOS! 

if that is really the case (I think it could well be), the business decision of RedHat maybe makes perfect sense. 

Some other distribution will step in for CentOS Linux. Rocky, Lenix, Springsdale, whatever. That distribution/s will take the role of CentOS in paving the path for RHEL without RedHat having to paying for it.

Sounds like a win/win-Situation, doesn't it? 
