[CentOS-devel] Teachings of the tea

Tue Dec 22 01:18:11 UTC 2020
Konstantin Boyandin <lists at boyandin.info>

On 21.12.2020 19:09, Jean-Marc Liger wrote:
> You can try pouring tea into a cup, if it is full, the tea will flow 
> from it. As long as Red Hat doesn't want to empty a part of the cup, all 
> these discussions are a waste of precious time until you find another cup.
> Jean-Marc

To the best of my understanding, people involved in long threads here 
are currently trying to justify/unjustify the switch to CentOS Stream.

I would assume those willing to proceed with what CentOS actually was, 
are now switching their efforts to Rocky (Lenix... add to the list if 
necessary) or, possibly, other Linux distributions.

Personally, I see that as simple business move to brush off those CentOS 
community part who are neither on RH payroll, nor their paying 
customers. That said, I just chose another direction to move to and 
another cause to support.


Konstantin Boyandin
system administrator (ProWide Labs Ltd. - IPHost Network Monitor)