[CentOS-devel] Balancing the needs around the RHEL platform

Thu Dec 24 16:47:39 UTC 2020
Stephen John Smoogen <smooge at gmail.com>

On Wed, 23 Dec 2020 at 15:32, redbaronbrowser via CentOS-devel <
centos-devel at centos.org> wrote:

> It says CentOS and the RHEL team would have a "firewall" between them.
> All communication between them would be only via SRPM.  Brian "Bex"
> Exelbierd's inclusion on the board is a clear violation of that.
Bex's position was to 'replace' Karsten's place on the board whose job was
to do the same thing previously. Also your second problem is that all
communication between them would only be via SRPM.
1. git.centos.org was the way EL7 was being used to communicate packages.
2. communication via git or srpm would have resulted in CentOS EL7 and EL8
never getting released because problems happen. Sometimes the chain of
packages being pushed is in the wrong order of a package gets dropped.
[This happened in EL4/EL5/EL6 also.. in those days it could be a multiple
day/week trip of 'hey do you know who I can get to push foobaz-1.2.3-5? huh
my last person is on vacation and won't be back til December.' After the
acqui-hiring this was brought down quite a bit because the teams actually
could communicate with each other directly.

So if there was a firewall.. it was full of holes by the time CentOS7 was
getting made. I think the issue is that people have all had vastly
different running assumptions of how CentOS was run  versus how it has been
since day one. [Warning flawed analogy ahead.] Everything ran pretty darn
smoothly for what people cared so looking too far under the bonnet to see
how the engine really worked was out of the question. Then when the car
maker says it isn't going to make internal combustion any longer but move
towards electric there are large hues and cries from people who think that
it will make the car unworkable but couldn't actually have fixed their own
cars for 20 years or more. [End flawed analogy]

Stephen J Smoogen.
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