[CentOS-devel] Balancing the needs around the RHEL platform

Mon Dec 28 10:04:15 UTC 2020
Konstantin Boyandin <lists at boyandin.info>

On 28.12.2020 07:50, Julien Pivotto wrote:
> On 28 Dec 01:24, Ljubomir Ljubojevic wrote:
>> On 12/27/20 3:48 PM, Alexander Bokovoy wrote:
>>> Following your approach to a detailed information about the Stream,
>>> we've been told there are various RHEL subscription programs coming next
>>> year that would address use of RHEL for many existing CentOS users.
>>> Perhaps, those programs would address the needs of consumers of
>>> 3rd-party drivers too, before we'd reach the collaboration ideal I
>>> outlined above. Let's see how that goes.
>> So you think Red Hat will offer no-cost subscription to a small 5-10
>> employee company, not in any way related to education or non-profits,
>> that needs 1 CPU / 16-32GB RAM Linux server for mdadm RAID10 + Samba +
 KVM ?
> This is a question for  centos-questions at redhat.com  not for this list.

Methinks, the question was a rhetoric one.

By the way, if anyone asks that question to centos-question@ *and* gets 
a response - please share the knowledge.


Konstantin Boyandin
system administrator (ProWide Labs Ltd. - IPHost Network Monitor)