[CentOS-devel] Minutes for CentOS Board of Directors 2020-01-08 meeting

Karsten Wade

kwade at redhat.com
Thu Jan 16 16:37:55 UTC 2020

Public minutes

On 2020-01-08 the CentOS Board of Directors held the first meeting of 2020,
welcoming guest Rich Bowen, Community Architect for the CentOS Project.

The group talked through some background for each-other as part of the
framework for updating the projct goals. The Board is drafting a process
that is for refreshing the project's goals openly and transparently. More
details including a timeline should start rolling out in the middle of
January to the centos-devel mailing list and announced on blog.centos.org.

The Board then heard from Jim Perrin as head of Community Platform
Engineering (CPE) about the ongoing work around the EL 8 rebuild, SIG needs,
and what the path forward might look like. He covered how the teams have
been making realtime changes to build systems due to the differences in how
CentOS Linux 8 and CentOS Stream need to be built. Regarding some open
requests, discussions on the build root are coming soon, as the team raises
their heads from work that has been underway. In general, Jim reported that
tooling around the build systems are improving by force. He identified Aofie
Maloney as a key contact to work with Rich Bowen on highlighting the ongoing
work from CPE that affects various CentOS Project constituencies. We’re all
hoping this communication helps raise visibility and focus questions about
work to keep everyone better informed.

As a participant in the discussion, Rich Bowen agreed to write up a post for
the community that covers the current situation of CentOS Linux 8 builds. This
has been subsequently been posted:


In support of these efforts, the Board came to the following decisions,
resolutions, and agreements:

1. CentOS Project five-year goals refresh:
   1. AGREED: Available co-authors of the goals will be present to discuss the
              effort, conduct reviews, and create works during the CentOS Dojo
              before FOSDEM on 31 Jan 2020.
   2. ACTION: Karsten and Rich to arrange space of some kind at Dojo for open
              discussions around goals setting.
   3. ACTION: Karsten driving goals process document through current pre-draft
2. Project build systems discussion:
   1. ACTION: Rich to publish a statement/status for what is happening with
              CentOS Linux 8.
   2. ACTION: Rich to work with Aoife Moloney on what is being reported out of
              CPE for CentOS portion to highlight what is happening on an
              ongoing basis--a lot is happening, how do we highlight it?

Present at the meeting:

1. Jim Perrin
2. Karsten Wade (Secretary)
3. Mike McLean
4. Ralph Angenendt
5. Tru Huynh [quorum]
6. Karanbir Singh (Chair)
7. Rich Bowen (guest)

Karsten Wade [he/him/his]| Senior Community Architect | @quaid
Red Hat Open Source Program Office (OSPO) : @redhatopen
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