[CentOS-devel] Minutes for CentOS Board of Directors 2019-12-18 Meeting

Karsten Wade

kwade at redhat.com
Fri Jan 3 20:19:57 UTC 2020

(Resending with fixed formatting, the Mailman archives will thank me)

>From https://blog.centos.org/2020/01/minutes-for-centos-board-of-directors-2019-12-18-meeting/

Public minutes

On 2019-12-18 the CentOS Board of Directors held the final meeting of the 2019 calendar

The meeting was focused primarily on how the Board can lead the project further into
being a contributor-centric open source project while continuing to deliver value to
our community of users. Of particular interest is growing participation in CentOS Stream
in addition to ongoing efforts around CentOS SIGs.

As a centralizing effort, the Board agreed to revisiting the goals document created five
years ago, and to undergo an effort to refresh those goals in the light of the project’s
evolution. The Board will be inviting various stakeholders into these discussions as we
undergo a public revision of the goals at the start of 2020.

In support of these efforts, the Board came to the following decisions, resolutions, and

1. Image creation, signing, and distribution:
   1. AGREED: Board agrees there is a significant technical debt in the content flow. To 
              address this the Board authorizes Community Platform Engineering (CPE) to
              commit engineering toward addressing this in early CY 2020.
   2. ACTION: Jim to work with Fabian/CPE to begin working on a signing and release solution
              for SIGs, work starting in Jan 2020.
   3. ACTION: Prioritize transparency and reporting to foster a better understanding of the
              build process for CentOS Linux 8, with an emphasis on the update lag/point
              release challenges

2. Project strategic goals:
   1. AGREED: Undergo a revision of the project goals, to include a range of topics from
              technical to social/cultural. Do this work transparently, reaching out to
              specific community members and stakeholders such as RHEL Engineering.

3. Consent agenda items:
   1. AGREED: Secretary role revitalized -- not formally in the governance yet, role is
              delegated meeting organization and management duties from the Chair to include
              calling for meetings, managing the private and public agenda for meetings, and
              handling the creation and release of private and public minutes. Karsten Wade
              has volunteered to take this role until approximately June 2020.
              2. ACTION: Early in 2020 Karsten & KB to draft governance updates to reflect
                 the Secretary role.
   2. AGREED: Board confirms support for planning a shift to sharing auth backends with the
              Fedora Project.

Karsten Wade [he/him/his]| Senior Community Architect | @quaid
Red Hat Open Source Program Office (OSPO) : @redhatopen
https://community.redhat.com | https://next.redhat.com | https://theopensourceway.org
gpg: AD0E0C41 | https://red.ht/sig

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