[CentOS-devel] new krb5 packages brake freeIPA

Alexander Bokovoy

abokovoy at redhat.com
Wed Jul 1 18:22:03 UTC 2020

On ke, 01 heinä 2020, lejeczek via CentOS-devel wrote:
>On 01/07/2020 17:55, Alexander Bokovoy wrote:
>> On ke, 01 heinä 2020, lejeczek via CentOS-devel wrote:
>>> hi guys
>>> latest in the repo krb5 packages - 1.18.2-2.el8 - brake
>>> freeIPA if already installed and conflict if want to
>>> install.
>>> # dnf install -y ipa-server-dns
>>> Last metadata expiration check: 1:21:31 ago on Wed 01 Jul
>>> 2020 11:00:25 BST.
>>> Error:
>>>  Problem: package
>>> ipa-server-dns-4.8.4-7.module_el8.2.0+374+0d2d74a1.noarch
>>> requires ipa-server = 4.8.4-7.module_el8.2.0+374+0d2d74a1,
>>> but none of the providers can be installed
>>>   - conflicting requests
>>>   - nothing provides krb5-kdb-version = 7.0 needed by
>>> ipa-server-4.8.4-7.module_el8.2.0+374+0d2d74a1.x86_64
>> There should be no 1.18 in RHEL 8.2 at all, therefore
>> CentOS 8.2 should
>> not have krb5 1.18.
>> If you are using CentOS Stream, please make it clear in
>> describing your
>> configuration.
>> I can see krb5-1.18.2 in c8s branch here:
>> https://git.centos.org/rpms/krb5/c/10fa7093df15784c58e82f89ba3e2a5ee0245991?branch=c8s
>> There is no corresponding update for idm module, though.
>> There is no c8s-version of c8-stream-DL1 branch and
>> therefore there is
>> no idm:DL1 module rebuild.
>> Until that part is fixed, CentOS Stream is unusable for
>> IdM deployments.
>> Please note that none of RHEL developers responsible for
>> IdM have any
>> say or control how things get merged into CentOS. If there
>> are problems
>> like this one nobody but CentOS maintainers could help. In
>> case of
>> CentOS 8 stream, it seems the whole process is done by a
>> robot and I
>> have no idea how this robot handles modular builds (and
>> when).
>And that seems to be a great shame, quite frankly I felt
>this way for a long months, probably since C8 release.
>Maybe you guys @redhat could(should ?) take over "idm"
>module in Centos, or Centos' owners could ask for help and
>delegate "idm" over to you.

There is no process that allows it, as far as I know, at least for
CentOS Stream. Would be good to see any change, though.

>FreeIPA is way!!! to import to afford such cock-ups and it's
>been quite a wobbly ride on C8 since the beginning.
>Centos is a poor man choice but still seriously taken &
>deployed to critical environments and if my opinion is not
>an isolated one, then everybody will agree freeIPA must be
>taken care of properly.

Thank you for testing these scenarios and reporting them back.

/ Alexander Bokovoy
Sr. Principal Software Engineer
Security / Identity Management Engineering
Red Hat Limited, Finland

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