[CentOS-devel] Availability of CentOS 7/8 AMIs through AWS Marketplace

Tue Jul 28 08:59:47 UTC 2020
Marc Jay <marc at marcjay.co.uk>


Long-time user of CentOS 7 AMIs from the AWS Marketplace. I see that the
latest CentOS 7 and all CentOS 8 AMIs are only available outside of the
Marketplace ("These images are published outside of the AWS Market Place
and are shared directly" - https://wiki.centos.org/Cloud/AWS)

I'm really keen to understand if this is short-term situation, or if this
is the indefinite future of CentOS AMI releases? There were a number of
benefits to the Marketplace model - mainly for us is the ability to use
Packer to fetch the latest AMI for the product code, plus also
notifications. Are there reasons behind the recent change?

Many thanks,

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