[CentOS-devel] Updated KDE available in EPEL 8

Mon Jun 15 17:04:51 UTC 2020
Troy Dawson <tdawson at redhat.com>

RHEL 8.2 and CentOS 8.2 have an updated qt5.  This updated qt5 allowed
us to update the KDE Plasma Desktop in EPEL8.  We are not at the
following versions.

qt5 - 5.12
plasma - 5.18 [1]
kf5 - 5.68 / 19.12
apps - 5.18 / 19.12

Installation Instructions:
### First: install epel-release
rpm -Uvh https://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/epel/epel-release-latest-8.noarch.rpm

### Second: Enable codeready-builder or PowerTools
  subscription-manager repos --enable codeready-builder-for-rhel-8-x86_64-rpms
#### If CentOS 8 do
  dnf config-manager --enable PowerTools
  #### If CentOS Stream do
    dnf config-manager --enable Stream-PowerTools

### Third: install KDE
dnf group install "KDE Plasma Workspaces"
dnf group install kde-desktop
(Optional) dnf group install kde-media
(Optional) dnf group install kde-apps
(Optional) dnf install okular

### (Optional) Fourth: Set sddm as desktop manager
### Required if you started from a minimal install
systemctl set-default graphical.target [if in multi-user.target]
dnf install sddm\*
systemctl enable sddm -f

### (Optional) If you installed in GNOME
systemctl reload gdm

Known Issues:
Several (about 50%) settings do not work in System Settings.
Help resolving this bug would be appreciated.
It is irritating, but not critical.

Many thanks to all who helped with this.
Troy Dawson

[1] plasma-nm is currently at 5.15.  This has been verified to work.
We will hopefully be able to update it to 5.18 within a month.