[CentOS-devel] Querying koji

Tue Jun 23 00:30:52 UTC 2020
Neale Ferguson <neale at sinenomine.net>

Thanks for the tips. Nice.

Neale Ferguson

On 6/23/20, 03:05, "CentOS-devel on behalf of Ken Dreyer" <centos-devel-bounces at centos.org on behalf of kdreyer at redhat.com> wrote:

    The koji hub URL is at https://koji.mbox.centos.org/kojihub
    Try this:
      $ koji -s https://koji.mbox.centos.org/kojihub list-tags
    You can also store this URL in a profile configuration file,
    https://docs.pagure.org/koji/profiles/ . For example, I have:
      $ cat ~/.koji/config.d/cbs.mbox.conf
      server = https://koji.mbox.centos.org/kojihub
    Then, you can use this new profile with the "-p" flag to Koji:
      $ koji -p cbs.mbox list-tags
    You can also symlink ~/bin/cbs.mbox to /usr/bin/koji so that the
    command is even shorter:
      $ cbs.mbox list-tags