[CentOS-devel] CentOS logo and brand update on the next board meeting agenda

Johnny Hughes

johnny at centos.org
Tue Mar 31 21:36:51 UTC 2020

On 3/31/20 1:52 PM, Julien Pivotto wrote:
> On 31 Mar 12:46, Johnny Hughes wrote:
>> On 3/31/20 11:56 AM, Karsten Wade wrote:
>>> On 3/26/20 8:32 AM, Johnny Hughes wrote:
>>>> I think CentOS Linux and the CentOS Project has developed a brand ..
>>>> people know what it is, and I, for one, do not want it to change.
>>> Considering that the nature of the universe is change and that logos
>>> change all the time, what are the conditions you figure are ripe for the
>>> CentOS Project to change _this_ logo?
>>> The designers articulated a number of reasons for the changes they propose.
>>>> I am fine with approving a new, Single color Logo with a more standard
>>>> font as an additive brand, but I like the logo that we have had for the
>>>> last 17 years  ..   well, once we go rid of the pink text :).
>>>> I don't want to prevent all change .. but I do think legacy is also
>>>> important.
>>> I'd like to check that everyone read the discussion between the
>>> designers here, because this comment from Johnny and the responses from
>>> John Tatt and John Dennison are confusing.
>>> tl;dr
>>> https://blog.centos.org/2020/01/updating-the-centos-logo-and-visual-style/
>>> full discussion:
>>> https://git.centos.org/centos/Artwork/issue/1
>>> The monochrome logo is not additive, it is an evolution of the current
>>> logo. The current proposal is not to have a different appearing logo in
>>> monochrome than the one in color. They are different logos, resulting in
>>> different branding, etc.
>>> I don't see how having two different logos solves any problems, but I do
>>> see how it creates a whole lot of new problems.
>>> It is important that feedback here be more than "I don't like it, I
>>> don't want change, what we have works fine".
>>> We need to hear:
>>> * What don't you like about the proposed logo in comparison to the
>>> existing logo?
>> It is not the logo that I helped design 17 years ago.
>>> * Is there more about not wanting change than not wanting change?
>> Yes .. we have a brand that is recognized the world over.  Double digit
>> percentages of all the servers on the internet and double digit
>> percentages of all the super computers in the world run CentOS Linux.
>> I don't think we need to confuse the brand.
>> You brought this to this list to discuss it and give our opinions. I
>> like the current, well known, what everyone on the street knows branding.
>> I think we lose a lot by changing that branding and I don't want to
>> change it.
>> That is my opinion .. I get to have my opinion.
>> If you want to change the logo, change the logo .. but you asked for
>> opinions.
> First of all I am surprised that Johnny was not included in the previous
> discussions.
> I do not like that the new logo is blue as that color does not really
> have a personality. It is overrepresented in branding in general IMO, and
> it is for this reason not really something you can recognize from far
> away.
> Regarding the colors, I don't like the current logo color and I think
> that if the argument to change is that it can not be embroided, I am all
> for having the proposed logo to be embroided e.g. on one color but
> keeping the current color (or modernizing them) for everything web
> related. Our screens don't have that embroided issue.
> On the other hand, I like the curve style, even if it looks a bit more
> like toys and less like entreprise.

I would be fine adding that logo .. and one of every one monochrome of
the primary logo colors .. and one that is rounded with the colors.  I
don't mind the new shapes.

For those who don't know the CentOS history .. we started out as a
sub-project of cAos Linux .. and the logo is shaped like it is because
of the symbol for caos (chaos):

So .. I am a bit hesitant to change it, because to me it means something.

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