[CentOS-devel] Is this the right channel to address the board?

Karsten Wade

kwade at redhat.com
Tue May 12 22:54:03 UTC 2020

On 5/6/20 6:31 AM, Rich Bowen wrote:
> I must lead with this: It is with great trepidation that I even write 
> this message, because I have no desire to burn bridges. I currently 
> enjoy a cordial working relationship with everyone on the board, and, 
> without exception, have great respect for each of them personally. But 
> it is my job to point out that the board's method of engaging with the 
> community isn't working.

Thanks all for bringing this discussion along, we seem to have arrived 
at "yes and what tool." :) In parallel we need to have some idea of the 
personas of the people using this tool.

For some more context about Rich's email:

I asked Rich to start this thread when he asked me this question. I said 
then and here, it's true we do not have clear processes for getting 
things heard and approved/denied by the Board.

As a Director and as the current Board Secretary, I am highly interested 
and somewhat desperate to solve those problems -- my task list for the 
Board and the Project is a bit unruly and dependent on other humans to 
move things along. The practice of open source software projects reminds 
us that I shouldn't be solving that problem in isolation, without 
transparency and the collaboration that comes with it.

So let's work on it together. Let's figure out a reasonable process that 
will work right now, and iterate on it as needed over time.

There are a number of people who care about CentOS as a project, let's 
call them "project stakeholders". They all wish to engage with the 
project leadership for guidance and approval around various efforts.

Can we use this thread to define those stakeholder personas, what kinds 
of things/ways they need to engage with the Board, and how we can make 
that happen?`

I have a feeling there are some folks here experienced with helping 
define functional requirements and user personas, you are hereby invited 
to help this discussion move forward.

Best regards,

- Karsten
Karsten Wade [he/him/his]| Senior Community Architect | @quaid
Red Hat Open Source Program Office (OSPO) : @redhatopen
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