[CentOS-devel] unable to create an account on bugs.centos.org due to captcha

Tue Sep 22 08:26:55 UTC 2020
Akemi Yagi <amyagi at gmail.com>

On Mon, Sep 21, 2020 at 7:05 PM Chris Brannon <cmb at prgmr.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I've been trying to create an account on https://bugs.centos.org.  I'm
> blind, but all I find is a visual captcha.  From inspection of the HTML
> source for the signup page, it appears that there might be an audio
> captcha implemented in flash, but I don't have flash on any of my
> devices.
> I went and grabbed a copy of the mantisbt source code, to get an idea of
> what it was doing and to determine whether I had any other options.
> Mantis uses a bundled third-party library to generate those captchas.
> In the source tree, it's vendor/dapphp/securimage.
> In the latest version, at least, that library will generate an HTML 5
> <audio> tag by default, with a fallback to flash.  The <audio> would
> work just fine for me.
> I don't know what version of Mantis BT bugs.centos.org is running, and
> that's why I'm writing here.  Is there any chance of an upgrade / patch
> to fix my issue?
> Please let me know if there is anything I can do to help.
> -- Chris

Any CentOS developers with admin access to mantis should be able to
create a new account for you. Send:

real name
email address

to Fabian Arrotin <arrfab at centos.org> (for example). You will then
receive an email notification that would let you set up a new

Hope this helps,
