[CentOS-devel] Missing dependencies while rebuilding OpenStack packages on centos8 stream

Fri Apr 30 08:17:48 UTC 2021
Jose Castro Leon <jose.castro.leon at cern.ch>

Hi Cloud SIG,

With every OpenStack release (and also with CentOS 8 stream), we have to 
rebuild some OpenStack packages to be installed at CERN.

Those packages carry downstream patches for integration into our 
environment. While building those, we have observed that there are some 
packages that are required to build but are not provided in the testing 
repositories, for example openstack-macros

In the past, we were using trunk.rdoproject.org/centos8-wallaby but it 
seems that those packages are not there.

While looking into cbs.centos.org, I saw them on this tag


Would it be possible to have the dependencies available in the testing 
repo or to have access to that build repository, at least to build the 
main OpenStack components?

Jose Castro Leon
CERN Cloud Infrastructure Team