[CentOS-devel] Missing devel packages (librest)

Wed Dec 15 19:28:02 UTC 2021
IBBoard <centosdevel at ibboard.co.uk>

On 14/12/2021 22:02, Mike Rochefort wrote:
> On Tue, Dec 14, 2021 at 3:55 PM IBBoard <centosdevel at ibboard.co.uk> wrote:
>> Is this normal? Does anyone know why there would be binary/library
>> packages but not devel packages published?
> The shipping of devel packages can alter a package's ABI support
> guidance[0].

Ah, so standard RHEL/CentOS practice is to provide libraries for 
internal dependencies without supporting building against them? I hadn't 
realised. I'm used to every package in a distro having a devel.

It used to be there, so I don't know what changed. Maybe the move from 
CentOS8 to Streams?

I might request the devel package, but given that I'm just building a 
small Twitter app with a low CentOS-based audience then it seems like 
quite a large commitment to put on CentOS to support building against 
the library.