[CentOS-devel] What is the expected lifespan remaining on Stream 8?

Fri Feb 19 13:38:29 UTC 2021
Stephen John Smoogen <smooge at gmail.com>

On Thu, 18 Feb 2021 at 17:25, redbaronbrowser via CentOS-devel <
centos-devel at centos.org> wrote:

> On Thursday, February 18, 2021 3:03 PM, Gena Makhomed <gmm at csdoc.com>
> wrote:
> > On 18.02.2021 21:40, redbaronbrowser via CentOS-devel wrote:
> >
> > > Key questions I still can not find the answer to:
> > > What is the expected lifespan remaining on Stream 8?
> >
> > The duration of the RHEL 8 Full Support Phase, 5 years.
> > https://wiki.centos.org/FAQ/CentOSStream # Q7
> > https://centos.org/distro-faq/ # Q13
> Let me rephrase the question then, will Stream 8 ever recieve the
> resources to close the openness gap (provide all the resources expected of
> being the Upstream) before focus shifts to Stream 9?
Will it receive more resources? Yes
Will they arrive and be in place before focus shifts to Stream 9? That is a
'mu' http://www.jargon.net/jargonfile/m/mu.html question.

There are multiple groups working on things at the same time and have been
for over a year. If you look at some of them (ELN, gitlab, various hardware
bringups) , then you would say that the focus has been on 9. so the answer
is 'no'.

Other groups are working on getting more resources into 8 and will be
focusing on getting current workflows in place so it can continue to churn
on. So the answer is 'yes'.

Finally, there is the last part which makes this a 'have we stopped beating
our distribution' question. What is the 'openness gap' you bring up? that
is vague enough that no matter if people were delivering everything they
had from the EL<pick one when things were more open> days it still could be
listed as 'undelivered'.

> Answer to Q7 leaves things vague:
> "Around the time the RHEL 9 Public Beta is issued, an additional set of
> CentOS Stream repositories and ISOs will be available. The existing CentOS
> Stream repositories representing RHEL 8 bits will continue to be available,
> and changes to these bits will continue as before for the duration of the
> RHEL 8 Full Support Phase. At that time, the older repositories will be
> discontinued, although sources will continue to be available."
> It sounds like if Stream 9 is released later this year then progress in
> closing the openness gap for Stream 8 will come to a halt.  Or as state in
> the FAQ: "changes to these bits will continue as before for the duration."
> The fact RHEL 8 has a 5 year life span does not mean Stream 8 will ever
> reach a meaningful Upstream status.
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Stephen J Smoogen.
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