[CentOS-devel] RFC: Stream Kernel SIG Proposal

Wed Jan 20 13:06:53 UTC 2021
Mike McGrath <mmcgrath at redhat.com>

On Wed, Jan 20, 2021 at 2:51 AM Phil Perry <pperry at elrepo.org> wrote:

> On 20/01/2021 08:12, Julien Pivotto wrote:
> > On 20 Jan 08:08, redbaronbrowser via CentOS-devel wrote:
> >> There are four main goals of this SIG:
> >>
> >> First, break down changes in the Stream version 4.18.0 kernel into
> individual patches.  When possible, document the source the patch is from
> and the purpose of the patch.  Moving forward also document which Stream
> kernel package revision introduced the patch.
> >
> > Let's face it that should be the sane technical default for stream, from
> > red hat. They should provide it out of the box. What they do downstream
> > after this is up to them.
> >
> >
> Agreed. I makes it very very difficult to contribute to Stream at the
> kernel level is any meaningful way if there is not a proper git
> repository (or similar) tracking all commits that have been made over
> the lifetime of the project.
> Red Hat killed CentOS Linux on the basis it's community was simply a
> community of users and didn't contribute anything. As it stands CentOS
> Stream is no different as there is still no effective way to contribute.
> Having a proper git repository is the first step to changing that.
> Otherwise we are shackled to remaining users who can file bug reports
> when something breaks but little else.
> In reality, Stream is not an open upstream of RHEL, but rather CentOS
> and RHEL have simply switched positions within a closed downstream
> process, CentOS Stream now being the first (development) step in that
> closed process rather than a rebuild of it.
> I'm not offering to be a part of this proposed SIG, but am watching the
> whole topic with much interest.

I'll check with the kernel team and see if we have any published plans or
even a test repo we can share so people can see what we're planning.


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