[CentOS-devel] Upgrade to Stream wants to downgrade e.g. httpd

Fri Jan 15 08:56:46 UTC 2021
Leon Fauster <leonfauster at googlemail.com>

Am 15.01.21 um 03:11 schrieb Carl George:
> I have yet to see an actual problem presented other than "I don't like
> the appearance of a downgrade".  It's not ideal but it's also not
> causing an actual issue.  As long as RHEL maintainers add digits after
> the %{?dist} macro in the release field, it will be possible to end up
> in this situation.  CentOS cannot solve this with the current
> implementation of modularity in MBS.  The right place for this
> feedback is upstream MBS.
> https://pagure.io/fm-orchestrator

Hi Carl,

rpm has the modularitylabel tag and yum/dnf has module metadata
injected into the repository.

Is there any rational reason to mess up with the NEVRA format (including 
git commit/hash tags)?
