[CentOS-devel] how do we create CentOS' comps.xml

Thu Jan 21 17:39:38 UTC 2021
Ken Dreyer <kdreyer at redhat.com>

On Thu, Jan 21, 2021 at 1:46 AM aleksander.baranowski via CentOS-devel
<centos-devel at centos.org> wrote:
> When you have access to RHEL repo you can use repoquery to download
> comps (and other metadata in EL8 version). Then you have to debrand them.

I checked the comps XML files from BaseOS and AppStream today, and
those XML files are different than this file in Git.

For example, the BaseOS Yum repo's comps.xml has one "file-sever"
group, and AppStream's comps.xml has another "file-system" group, and
they are combined in the comps file that CentOS uses for Pungi.

- Ken

- Ken