[CentOS-devel] Documenting the CentOS Linux 8 EOL process

Fri Jul 9 05:02:39 UTC 2021
Leif Madsen <leif at redhat.com>

On Thu, Jul 8, 2021 at 5:07 PM Davide Cavalca via CentOS-devel <
centos-devel at centos.org> wrote:

> On Thu, 2021-07-08 at 16:22 -0400, Rich Bowen wrote:
> > Surprising users seldom goes well, even if it's an overall positive
> > surprise.
> What are our options for making it less of a surprise? We could post a
> blog, etc. about it of course (and we should, if we decide to go down
> this path), but that won't reach folks that don't follow the community
> closely. Maybe we should push an update to the default MOTD to let
> people know this is coming? Although, from personal experience, people
> tend to react pretty poorly to those kind of things as well sometimes.
> Any other ideas?
> I do agree that upgrading to 8-stream is strictly better than leaving
> systems unsupported, and that for the vast majority of users it would
> be a net positive.

What about moving to a security update only mode?

Nothing else really changes but at least you don't leave 450k+ systems
idling on the internet just waiting to be scooped up into a bot net.

Personally I feel that's what a good netizen would do.

Leif Madsen | Cloud Service Telemetry Architect
OpenStack CloudOps
Red Hat
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