[CentOS-devel] Documenting the CentOS Linux 8 EOL process

Fri Jul 9 09:45:04 UTC 2021
Julien Pivotto <roidelapluie at inuits.eu>

On 09 Jul 02:45, John R. Dennison wrote:
> On Fri, Jul 09, 2021 at 08:09:22AM +0200, Julien Pivotto wrote:
> Could you please configure your MUA to send text/plain or similar to the
> CentOS lists?

Sorry, the one and only time I sent a mail from my phone :(

Providing stream as a continuity of 8 is the best thing to do, to show
that we are confident and that the whole "stream fits most of the CentOS
use case". It also has the side effect of better protecting the

Note that it will put a lot of pressure and bring a lot of users on
stream.  It is a giant opportunity for stream, probably a unique

I think that it will not backfire if we announce it soon.

> 							John
> -- 
> If we are to be a great democracy, we must all take an active role in our
> democracy.  We must do democracy.  That goes far beyond simply casting your
> vote.  We must all actively champion the causes that ensure the common good.
> -- Martin Luther King III (1957-), human rights advocate and community
>    activist, first son of civil rights leader Martin Luther King, Jr.,
>    Speech at the Democratic Convention (28 August 2008)
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 (o-    Julien Pivotto
 //\    Config Management SIG
 V_/_   https://frama.link/cfgmgmt
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